
Written by pmd - - no comments

Meuble d'entrée

10 planches + pieds ou base de meuble non précisée ici :

    Largeur (cm) Hauteur (cm) Profondeur (cm)
le porte chapeau 105 1.5 30
l'assise 105 1.5 43.5
2x triangle 1.5 30 30
3x support assise 1.5 31.5 41.5
contre mur 105 220 1.5
bas meuble 105 1.5 43
porte 105 33 1.7

Classified in : DIY - Tags : none

Travaux appartement

Written by pmd - - no comments

Quelques réparations Janvier 2025

Porte de la chambre :

Le montant de la porte, du côté charnière, était chancelant. La porte ne fermait plus. Manifestement l'artisant n'a pas mis beaucoup de mousse...

Achat/utilisation de quelques outils et consommables:
Visseuse perceuse Bosh ☑️
Meche bois 8☑️
Perceuse à percussion☑️
Longue meche beton 8☑️
Longues vis + chevilles☑️
Fraise conique pour pourvoir cacher la vis☑️
Mousse pour porte? ❌ car les vis ont été préférées.
Colle a bois☑️
Platre ☑️
Peinture blanche ☑️
Pinceau ☑️

Renforcement avec une grosse vis de 8x120mm au niveau de chaque charnière. Ensuite comblage au platre, ponçage, peinture. Collage des caches côté chambre.


Armoire de la chambre :

La porte de gauche ne ferme plus. Les charnières des portes de gauche et centrale sont tordues.

Achat/utilisation de quelques outils et consommables:
Visseuse perceuse Bosh ☑️
Meche bois 5 ☑️
6x charnières extra grande ouverture ☑️

Réalisation d'un maquette pour créer un chablon (pas de photo) afin de savoir ou percer.


Radiateur :

Bizarre le radiateur est très sale comme s'il venait d'un chantier. Trace d'enduit dans les ailettes... Il y a une fuite en plein milieu entre deux éléments.

Achat/utilisation de quelques outils et consommables:
Ne pas oublier clé 6 pans pour fermer le T de réglage ☑️
Tournevis plat pour dépressuriser le radiateur ☑️
Chiffons + Papier de verre + Loctite 7235 ☑️
Fluorosilicone 16x1cm et 20x1cm ☑️
2x colliers de serrage métallique >16cm ☑️
Холодная сварка si la technique avec fluorosilicone ne fonctionne pas ☑️ non utilisé

Technique du sac plastique pour devier la fuite en attandant de réparer.
Circulation d'eau coupée aux deux té puis dépressurisation.
Nettoyage au tournevis pour enlever le plus gros.
Puis nettoyage avec une chaussette sèche, puis imbibée de Loctite 7235.
Installation du fluorosilicone puis serrage avec le collier métallique.
Remise en service.


Porte entrée :

On peut normallement fermer la porte depuis l'exterieur. Mais impossible de fermer à clé depuis l'interieur. Et le loquet une fois fermé est parfois très dur à ouvrir donc... enfermé à l'intérieur.

Achat/utilisation de quelques outils et consommables:
Huile pour le loquet ☑️

Le loquet a été sorti de la porte. Le mécanisme a été nettoyé et huilé. Nikel.
Les caches serrures ont été retirés et réajustés.


Salle de bain :

Achat/utilisation de quelques outils et consommables:
Vis pour tiroir ☑️

La planche du tiroir ne tenait plus très bien. Scotch double face retiré puis refixée avec 5 vis.
Nettoyage de la vitre de douche avec mélange grand-mère.
Le tuyau d'évacuation d'eau de la machine à laver fuyait. Le tuyau d'évacuation a été enfoncé plus profondément.
Ajustement chasse d'eau car il fallait maintenir le bonton appuyé pour faire couler l'eau. Deux petites pièces orange ont été retirées qui empechait d'enfoncer suffisamment le bouton pour déclencher et automaintenir la chasse d'eau.

Classified in : DIY - Tags : none

Updating RAM on 8530w laptop

Written by pmd - - no comments

Solved: add memory - HP Support Community - 5788315
=> 2x4GB maximum

HP EliteBook 8530w RAM Replacement - Tutoriel de réparation iFixit

Memoria Ram DDR2 2GB 4GB PC2-6400S 800MHz PC2-5300S 667MHZ 200PIN 1.8V Non-ECC SO-DIMM Desktop Laptop Memory CL5 Dual Channel | AliExpress
Memoria Ram DDR2 2GB 4GB PC2-6400S 800MHz PC2-5300S 667MHZ 200PIN 1.8V Non-ECC SO-DIMM Desktop Laptop Memory CL5 Dual Channel | AliExpress
=> Bought 2x4GB PC2-6400 800MHz SODIMM for about 37 USD.
=> Will update from 2x2GB to 2x4GB when mounted.

But the improvement from 4GB to 8GB is actually disapointing. Not a big step to a faster laptop like the SSD was.

10 minutes options trading and ETF investing

Written by pmd - - no comments

10-Minute Options Trading and ETF Investing: Rapidly Build Wealth, Retire Early, and Live Free from the Worry of Market Crashes

Knowing about options likely help reading this book. At least it will greatly help to put the presented strategy into action.

See previous books I read to learn about options:

  1. Get Rich with Options: Four Winning Strategies Straight from the Exchange Floor
  2. Create Your Own Hedge Fund: Increase Profits and Reduce Risk with ETFs and Options

He is presented two ways to manage a portfolio. One way to reach a 6-figures account (using ETF + LEAP option CALL), and a way to keep account growing in a slower way but taking emotions into account (using ETF + LEAP option CALL + LEAP option PUT).

Buy-and-Old is a very good startegy but there is a way to enhance it safely enough.

Travis tells to start the portfolio at any day of the year then to balance the portfolio every January.

He is using LEAP options (Long-term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS) are a type of stock or index option with notably longer expiration dates as compared to standard options) expiring in December.

🔵 Managing the portfolio up to 100k

He is using SPY ETF + buying At The Money CALL option (to boost profit... in a bull market ⚠).

The allocation is the following :

  • 80% to buy SPY
  • 20% to buy SPY CALL ATM

As of today 12/09/2024 :

  • The furthest available SPY option is at expiration 18/12/2026.
  • CALL at 555 strike cost 74.65 USD so one CALL would cost 7465 USD.
    • 20% of the portfolio is 10000 x 0.2 = 2000 USD
    • SPY seems too big to trade options for a small account.
    • An account of 37325 USD would buy 1 CALL.
  • SPY is trading at 555.29 USD => (37325 - 7465) / 555.29 = 53.8 shares to buy.

To be review in January 2025...

🔵 Managing the portfolio above 100k

To become richer up to 100k, you could invest agressively. But to stay rich you need to invest conservatively. 

He is using SPY ETF + buying At The Money CALL option (to boost profit... in a bull market ⚠) + buying At The Money PUT option (as an insurance against losses and emotions).

Here is what you buy when you follow the enhanced buy & hold blueprint:

  1. SPY broad-based index fund in buy-and-old mode for safe and stable returns
  2. PUT option as an insurance against the stock market
  3. CALL option to pay for the PUT and to boost the returns

How you allocate?

One options controls 100 shares. So you would buy:

  • 1 PUT and 1 CALL if you own between 0 and 150 shares of SPY
  • 2 PUT and 2 CALL if you own between 151 and 250 shares of SPY
  • 3 PUT and 3 CALL if you own between 251 and 350 shares of SPY
  • etc...

As of today 12/09/2024 :

  • The furthest available SPY option is at expiration 18/12/2026.
  • CALL at 555 strike cost 74.65 USD so one CALL would cost 7465 USD.
  • PUT at 555 strike cost 44.75 USD so one PUT would cost 4475 USD.
    • 7465 + 4475 = 11940 USD
  • SPY is trading at 555.29 USD => (100000 - 11940) / 555.29 = 158.6 shares to own.

158 shares of SPY makes it 87735 USD or 87.7% of the portfolio.
1 PUT + 1 CALL makes it 11940 USD or 11.9 % of the portfolio.
The remaining money (324.18 USD) stay in cash (or less to pay the trading fees 😉).

To be review in January 2025...


Edit 25/11/2024:
P/L => (10859-7465)+(2927-4475)+158*(595.51-555.29) = +8200.76 USD

P/L => ((101.72-74.65)+(30.10-44.75))*100+(597.58-555.29)*158 = + 7923.82 USD
Value after selling put and call => ((101.72)+(30.10))*100+(597.58)*158 = +107599.64 USD + 324.18 USD

As of today 18/01/2025 :

  • The furthest available SPY option is at expiration 17/12/2027.
  • CALL at 595 strike cost 106.66 USD so one CALL would cost 10666 USD.
  • PUT at 595 strike cost 50.0 USD so one PUT would cost 5000 USD.
    • 10666 + 5000 = 15666 USD
  • SPY is trading at 597.58 USD => (107923.82 - 15666) / 597.58 = 154.4 shares to own.
  • Owned SPY shares : 158
  • Instead of selling shares I bring equivalent of 4 shares in cash : 4 x 597.58 => 2400 USD
Classified in : Options - Tags : none

Raspberry Pi + SSD merger

Written by pmd - - no comments

My Raspberry Model 3B V1.2, cooled by an armor case, and SSD on which it boots laid on the floor and dust for many years.
I wanted to improve this. This would look better and area would be easier to clean weekly.

I started looking for 3D printing parts that would allow Raspeberry and SSD to hold together.

I found this: Raspberry Pi + Armor Case + SSD

This case has been designed for Raspberry Pi 4 but I decided to try it. It worked very well.

I got the 4 parts printed for about 8 EUR.
Here are the parts, in case above website disapears:

This allowed me to do that finale installation:

Looks tidy, and it is easy to clean the floor !

Wireguard server on Raspberry while being an OpenVPN client

Written by pmd - - no comments

This is follwoing these first notes written a while ago : Wireguard on Raspberry


The Raspberry is already an OpenVPN client : see here.

  • All packets that are not tagged '42' are using main route table (which outputs to OpenVPN tunnel).
  • All packets that are tagged '42' are using route table 42 (which outputs to internet link).

For my use case, all Wireguard packets will need to be routed as specified in table 42.

Wireguard server setup

I used this guide to globally setup wireguard and a few clients (lastest updated using iptables): Installing and Configuring WireGuard on Raspberry Pi OS (September 2021)

The generated configuration was the following:


$ sudo cat /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
Address =
ListenPort = 58280
PrivateKey = gNVxJe7Se842IiOR5GsXeM4sHcacGhPATIdQCgqP8Wa=
PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
PublicKey = OQmmvh9/8PDWFIpOEzVWzOZ1HXQ48+10vONFlUNb0ia=
AllowedIPs =

Peer 1:

$ cat ~/wg_config/users/client1/client.conf
Address =
PrivateKey = 6OfJPX1ZQCFu08fTy2uU6JdgUf/qXgzBoTtX/tCYX3a=

PublicKey = b6kqDH4pjAdK0LqPrEF4Fc9d4XxR0Eb3kSk9rzdEKma=
AllowedIPs =,
Endpoint =

Adding other users

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ Be sure to make a copy of your wireguard configuration because it will be overwritten.

$ sudo cp /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf.bak  # make a backup if necessary !
$ sudo wg-quick up wg0                                         # make sure Wireguard is running
$ sudo ./wg_config/ -a another_user                     # creating new user
$ ls ./wg_config/users/another_user/                           # look at all files generated
total 32K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Sep 21 15:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4.0K Oct  9 18:16 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  216 Sep 21 15:56 client.all.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  238 Sep 21 15:56 client.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  900 Sep 21 15:56 another_user.all.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1016 Sep 21 15:56 another_user.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   45 Sep 21 15:56 privatekey
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   45 Sep 21 15:56 publickey
$ sudo wg-quick down wg0                                       # switch off wireguard server
$ sudo cat /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf                             # to copy the new user lines configuration
$ sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf.bak                        # to paste the new user lines configuration
$ sudo rm /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf                              # delete incomplete configuration
$ sudo mv /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf.bak /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf  # install proper configuration
$ sudo wg-quick up wg0                                         # restart server with updated configuration

IP forwarding

For clients to be able to join each other and access internet, it is necessary to enable IP forwarding:

$ sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
$ sudo sysctl -w 'net.ipv4.ip_forward=1'
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
$ sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1


Because of the context described above it wasn't enough to have a working link.

I had to add few lines for it to work on server and client sides. See below:


$ sudo cat /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
Address =
ListenPort = 58280
PrivateKey = gNVxJe7Se842IiOR5GsXeM4sHcacGhPATIdQCgqP8Wa=
FwMark = 0x2A # if packet not tagged '42' it will be routed to tun0 interface
PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
PostUp = ip route add dev wg0 proto kernel scope link src table 42 # route table update for packet tagged '42'
PostUp = sysctl -w 'net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' # activate IP forwarding
PostUp = ip rule add from table 42; ip rule add to table 42 # all packet comming/leaving from should use table 42

PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
PostDown = sysctl -w 'net.ipv4.ip_forward=0' # disactivate IP forwarding
PostDown = ip rule del from table 42; ip rule del to table 42

PublicKey = OQmmvh9/8PDWFIpOEzVWzOZ1HXQ48+10vONFlUNb0ia=
AllowedIPs =

Sources: FwMark, PostUp.

Peer 1:

$ cat ~/wg_config/users/client1/client.conf
Address =
PrivateKey = 6OfJPX1ZQCFu08fTy2uU6JdgUf/qXgzBoTtX/tCYX3a=
DNS =,

PublicKey = b6kqDH4pjAdK0LqPrEF4Fc9d4XxR0Eb3kSk9rzdEKma=
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint =

Source DNS, DNS.

Start, monitor and stop wireguard

$ sudo wg-quick up wg0
[#] ip link add wg0 type wireguard
[#] wg setconf wg0 /dev/fd/63
[#] ip -4 address add dev wg0
[#] ip link set mtu 1420 up dev wg0
[#] iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
[#] ip route add dev wg0 proto kernel scope link src table 42
[#] sysctl -w 'net.ipv4.ip_forward=1'
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
[#] ip rule add from table 42; ip rule add to table 42
$ sudo wg
interface: wg0
  public key: b6kqDH4pjAdK0LqPrEF4Fc9d4XxR0Eb3kSk9rzdEKma=
  private key: (hidden)
  listening port: 58280
  fwmark: 0x2a

peer: OQmmvh9/8PDWFIpOEzVWzOZ1HXQ48+10vONFlUNb0ia=

  allowed ips:
  latest handshake: 37 seconds ago
  transfer: 425.32 KiB received, 502.92 KiB sent
$ sudo wg-quick down wg0
[#] ip link delete dev wg0
[#] iptables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
[#] sysctl -w 'net.ipv4.ip_forward=0'
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
[#] ip rule del from table 42; ip rule del to table 42

Enabling at startup

Once everything is working you can enable Wireguard at startup by doing:

$ sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0

OpenWRT on GL-AR750 + E3372 in NCM + receive SMS (2023)

Written by pmd - - no comments

⚫ Installed last available OpenWRT on AR750

login as: root
root@'s password:

BusyBox v1.35.0 (2023-04-27 20:28:15 UTC) built-in shell (ash)

  _______                     ________        __
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
 OpenWrt 22.03.5, r20134-5f15225c1e

Source: [OpenWrt Wiki] GL.iNet GL-AR750

⚫ Expected configuration

One OpenWRT router getting internet access through a 4G USB dongle using NCM connection (much faster than PPP).

⚫ Configuration

⚪ Installing necessary packets on OpenWRT

# opkg update
# opkg installkmod-usb2 kmod-usb3 kmod-usb-net-huawei-cdc-ncm comgt-ncm kmod-usb-serial kmod-usb-serial-option kmod-usb-serial-wwan luci-proto-ncm usb-modeswitch kmod-usb-serial-ipw
# opkg install nano curl socat


  1. Installer le firmware OpenWrt sur un routeur Wi-Fi
  2. Huawei E3272 и OpenWRT: klink0v — LiveJournal

⚪ Preparing the 4G USB dongle (Huawei E3272)

I bought for cheap money an old second-hand Huawei E3272. It was loaded with a HiLink software (22.X) and SIM locked.

It took me a day of struggle to sim unlock it and finally install a working stick software (21.X).


Finally I installed a HiLink software + WEBUI to validate good working of the 4D USB dongle on Windows 10 then installed a stick software.
All downloaded from :


All of this had to be done on a Windows 7 computer. Impossible to do on a Windows 10 computer.

⚫ Testing

⚪ Checking Huawei E3272 on OpenWRT

root@OpenWrt:~# socat - /dev/cdc-wdm0,crnl





^SYSCFGEX: ("00","01","02","03","99"),((2000000400380,"GSM900/GSM1800/WCDMA900/WCDMA2100"),(4280000,"GSM850/GSM1900/WCDMA850"),(3fffffff,"All bands")),(0-2),(0-4),((c5,"LTE_B1/LTE_B3/LTE_B7/LTE_B8"),(7fffffffffffffff,"All bands"))


Manufacturer: huawei
Model: E3272
Revision: 21.436.11.00.00


^FHVER:"E3272S-600 21.436.11.00.00,CH1E3272SM Ver.A"


^VERSION:BDT:Aug 30 2013, 12:47:28







⚪ Speed test

I made a speed test with PPP and NCM protocol to verify the common speech readable on internet:

PPP (wikipedia) NCM (wikipedia)

NCM is definitly better performing.

⚪ USSD and SMS and Telegram

To be checked and tried:


Send a message to telegram chat:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F chat_id=<CHAT_ID> -F text="message to test !!!" "<token_from_@BotFather>/sendMessage"
curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F chat_id=<CHAT_ID> -F text="message to test !!!" "<token_from_@BotFather>/sendMessage" | jq '.ok'

Get updates from telegram chats:

curl -s<token_from_@BotFather>/getUpdates | jq
curl -s<token_from_@BotFather>/getUpdates | jq '.result[].message.text'
curl -s<token_from_@BotFather>/getUpdates | jq '.result[]'

Send a message+file to telegram chat:

curl -s -X POST<token_from_@BotFather>/sendDocument -F chat_id=<CHAT_ID> -F document=@'/path/to/document' -F caption='your message here'

Receive SMS with smstools3 and forward to Telegram

opkg install kmod-usb-serial kmod-usb-serial-wwan kmod-usb-serial-option usb-modeswitch smstools3 curl iconv jq bc
mkdir /usr/local
mkdir /usr/local/bin
nano /usr/local/bin/pushsms

This file will be called as soon as a new SMS is received in order to transfer it to a Telegram chat:

# /usr/local/bin/pushsms
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pushsms


if [ "$1" == "RECEIVED" ] || [ "$1" == "REPORT" ]; then
   from=`grep "From:" $2 | awk -F ': ' '{printf $2}'`
   #sent=`grep "Sent:" $2 | awk -F ': ' '{printf $2}'`
   #received=`grep "Received:" $2 | awk -F ': ' '{printf $2}'`
   alphabet=`grep "Alphabet:" $2 | awk -F ': ' '{printf $2}'`

   if [ "$alphabet" = "UCS2" ]; then
       content=$(sed -e '1,/^$/ d' < "$2" | iconv -f UNICODEBIG -t UTF-8)
       content=$(sed -e '1,/^$/ d' < "$2" | iconv -f "windows-1252" -t UTF-8)

   text=$(cat << EOF
From $from

   curl -s -d "chat_id=$chat_id&text=$text&disable_web_page_preview=true" -X POST"$token"/sendMessage


Don't forget to make above file executable.

Now editing the configuration of smstools3:

# /etc/smsd.conf
# Description: Main configuration file for the smsd

devices = GSM1
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed
sent = /var/spool/sms/sent
receive_before_send = no
autosplit = 3
logfile = 1
loglevel = 5
eventhandler = /usr/local/bin/pushsms

# Uncomment (and edit) this section to allow smsd to start:
init = AT+CPMS="ME","ME","ME"
device = /dev/cdc-wdm0
incoming = yes
#pin = 0000
baudrate = 9600
signal_quality_ber_ignore = yes
detect_unexpected_input = no
memory_start = 0
cs_convert_optical = no
report = yes

Now restart the utility:

/etc/init.d/smstools3 restart

And check logs:

logread | grep smsd

Send SMS with smstools3

sendsms 491721234567 'Hello, how are you'

Some method to send USSD code from command line

root@OpenWrt:~# socat - /dev/cdc-wdm0,crnl


^MODE: 5,4

^RSSI: 26

+CUSD: 0,"041204300448002004370430043F0440043E044100200432002004340435043B04350020003A002900200421043A043E0440043E0020043F04400438043B043504420438044200200053004D00530020043E00200432044B043F043E043B043D0435043D043804380021",72


Open kinda serial communication link with modem:

root@OpenWrt:~# socat - /dev/cdc-wdm0 << EOF
> AT+CUSD=1,"AA18CC3602",15


root@OpenWrt:~# cat /dev/cdc-wdm0 | grep +CUSD: > ./USSDresult.txt &
root@OpenWrt:~# echo -e -n "AT+CUSD=1,\"AA18CC3602\",15\r\n" > /dev/cdc-wdm0
root@OpenWrt:~# killall cat
[1]+ Done cat /dev/cdc-wdm0 | grep +CUSD: 1>./USSDresult.txt
root@OpenWrt:~# cat ./USSDresult.txt
+CUSD: 0,"041204300448002004370430043F0440043E044100200432002004340435043B04350020003A002900200421043A043E0440043E0020043F04400438043B043504420438044200200053004D00530020043E00200432044B043F043E043B043D0435043D043804380021",72
root@OpenWrt:~# cat ./USSDresult.txt | sed -e 's@+CUSD: 0,"@@g;s@",15@@g;s@",72@@g'
root@OpenWrt:~# rm ./USSDresult.txt

To code the USSD code and decode the answer you can use this tool: SMSTools3 PDU Converter. Or these two first shell script functions below. Third function to code USSD, catch the answer and decode it:

# Idea:
# But slightly modified to make it work

decodeUCS2() # UCS2 to text (to decode USSD answer)
   bytes=$(echo -n $1 | sed "s/\(.\{2\}\)/\\\x\1/g")
   REPLY=$(printf $bytes | iconv -f UNICODEBIG -t UTF-8)
   echo -n "$REPLY"

encodePDU() # text to PDU (to code the USSD)
   let "in_len=${#in}-1"
   for chr in $(seq  0 $in_len)
       let "chr2=$chr+1"
       let "t=$chr%8+1"
       if [ "$t" -ne 8 ]; then
           byte=$(printf "%d" "'${in:$chr:1}")
           let "c=$byte>>($chr%8)"
           let "c2=(1<<$t)-1"
           byte2=$(printf "%d" "'${in:$chr2:1}")
           let "b=$byte2 & $c2"
           let "c=$b<<(8-$t) | $c"
           REPLY=$REPLY$(echo "obase=16; $c" | bc | sed 's/\<[0-9A-F]\>/0&/' )
       # echo "AT-command to send '$1' as USSD-request: 'AT+CUSD=1,\"$REPLY\",15"
       echo -n "$REPLY"

sendUSSD() # To send an USSD code to operator and get result
   ussd_pdu=$(encodePDU $ussd_human)

   rm -f ./USSDresult.txt
   cat /dev/cdc-wdm0 | grep "+CUSD: 0," > ./USSDresult.txt &
   echo -e -n "AT+CUSD=1,\"$ussd_pdu\",15\r\n" > /dev/cdc-wdm0
   # wait up to 10 seconds for the answer
   while [ $(cat ./USSDresult.txt | grep -c "+CUSD: 0,") -le 0 ] && [ $sleeptime -ge 1 ]
       sleep 1
       sleeptime=$(($sleeptime - 1))
   killall cat
   # here could add an 'if' statement in case 10sec waited and answer still not catched
   REPLY=$(cat ./USSDresult.txt | sed -e 's@+CUSD: 0,"@@g;s@",15@@g;s@",72@@g' | tr -d '\r\n')
   REPLY=$(decodeUCS2 "$REPLY")
   echo -n "$REPLY"
   rm ./USSDresult.txt


Various sources:

OpenWRT on GL-AR150 + Guest Wifi over OpenVPN (2023)

Written by pmd - - no comments

⚫ Installed last available OpenWRT on AR150

login as: xxxx
root@'s password:

BusyBox v1.35.0 (2023-04-27 20:28:15 UTC) built-in shell (ash)

  _______                     ________        __
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
 OpenWrt 22.03.5, r20134-5f15225c1e

Source: [OpenWrt Wiki] GL.iNet GL-AR150

⚫ Expected configuration

The router will get access to internet by connecting to a Wifi network available around using wlan0 interface.
The router will spread two independant Wifi network :

  1. First Wifi will connect users on br-lan interface
    br-lan users will have access to internet through wlan0
  2. Second Wifi will connect users on br-lan2 interface
    br-lan2 users will have access to internet exclusively through tun0 interface (VPN)

⚫ Configuring Guest Wifi

Source: Guest Wi-Fi using LuCI (I didn't need to touch anything in Network > Firewall > Traffic Rules)

⚫ Installing OpenVPN and set first configuration

⚪ Installing OpenVPN

# opkg update
# opkg install openvpn-openssl ip-full luci-app-openvpn

Source: OpenWrt setup with NordVPN | NordVPN support

⚪ Configuring NordVPN

Download a NordVPN configuration : Server recommended by NordVPN | NordVPN

Go to VPN > OpenVPN

Under the “OVPN configuration file upload” section name the VPN connection in the “Instance name” field (I named it “nordvpn”.) After that, click on the Browse button, locate the downloaded server file and click Upload.

In the “OpenVPN instances” section, click the Edit button next to the instance you have just created.

Illustration #01 about previous steps

In the lower field, enter your NordVPN service credential username and password into separate lines.


Now, copy the path to the credentials file that is given right above the field containing the credentials and paste it next to the “auth-user-pass” line in the “Config file” section above. It should look like this: auth-user-pass /etc/openvpn/nordvpn.auth

Click on the Save button at the bottom.

Illustration #02 about previous steps

Go to Network > Interfaces

Select the Add new interface… button and name it “nordvpntun”.
Click on the “Protocol” dropdown menu and choose “Unmanaged”.
In the “Interface” dropdown, enter the name “tun0” at the bottom -- custom -- field and press the Enter key.
Click the “Create interface” and Save buttons.

Go to Network > Firewall

Click the “Add” button and adjust it as follows:

  1. Name it “vpnfirewall”;
  2. Set the “Input” option as “Reject”;
  3. Leave “Output” as “Accept” and “Forward” as “Reject”;
  4. Check the “Masquerading” option;
  5. Check the “MSS clamping” option;
  6. From the “Covered Networks” dropdown menu choose “nordvpntun”;
  7. In the “Allow forward from source zones” dropdown menu, choose “lan”;
  8. Click the “Save” button.

In the “Zones” section, find the zone named “lan”, and click on the “Edit” button.

In the “Allow forward to destination zones” dropdown check the “nordvpntun” entry.

Go to Network > DHCP and DNS

In the “General Settings” tab, find the “DNS forwardings” option and enter DNS addresses there. Addresses could be:

  • NordVPN DNS : and | Source 1
  • OpenDNS : and | Source 1, 2
  • Google DNS : and | Source 1

Go to the “Resolv and Hosts Files” tab, check the “Ignore resolve file” checkbox, and click the “Save & Apply” button.

You can verify which DNS server you are actually requested data to by using ths website : DNS leak test

Go to VPN > OpenVPN

In the “OpenVPN instances” section, check the “Enable” option next to the NordVPN option in the list, and click the “Save & Apply” button.

See Illustration #01 for final setup.

Now all you internet paquets should go through the VPN link.

⚪ Creating to chose which paquets should go through VPN

In your OpenVPN configuration file, you need to add these both lines:

  • route-noexec
    => so OpenVPN will not modify main routing table itself
  • route-up /etc/openvpn/
    => so OpenVPN will execute this file where we will add some rules and routes for vpn routing table
# /etc/openvpn/
# chmod +x /etc/openvpn/

# This website to know what environmental-variables are available.

# Inspiration :

echo "$dev : $ifconfig_local -> $ifconfig_remote gw: $route_vpn_gateway" | logger

# Checks to see if there is an IP routing table named 'vpn', create if missing
if [ $(cat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables | grep vpn | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "100     vpn" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
    echo "IP routing table named 'vpn' created" | logger

# Remove any previous rules in the 'vpn' routing table
#/sbin/ip rule | sed -n 's/.*\(from[ \t]*[0-9\.]*\).*vpn/\1/p' | while read RULE
/sbin/ip rule | grep vpn | sed -n 's@.*\(from[ \t]*[0-9\./]*\)@\1@p' | while read RULE
    echo "remove old rule:   /sbin/ip rule del ${RULE}" | logger
    /sbin/ip rule del ${RULE}
# Remove any previous routes in the 'vpn' routing table
echo "remove old routes: /sbin/ip route flush table vpn" | logger
/sbin/ip route flush table vpn

# Search route for traffic coming from in table 'vpn'
# (unicast: This rule type simple causes the kernel to refer to the
# specified routing table in the search for a route.)
echo "adding rule:       /sbin/ip rule add from table vpn" | logger
/sbin/ip rule add from table vpn

# Search route for traffic going to in table 'vpn'
echo "adding rule:       /sbin/ip rule add to table vpn" | logger
/sbin/ip rule add to table vpn

# Use 'vpn' table as default for tun0
echo "adding route:      /sbin/ip route add table vpn default dev ${dev}" | logger
/sbin/ip route add table vpn default dev ${dev}

# Route traffic from/to on br-lan2 using the 'vpn'.
# table. ( is the source address for outgoing packets)
echo "adding route:      /sbin/ip route add dev br-lan2 proto kernel scope link src table vpn" | logger
/sbin/ip route add dev br-lan2 proto kernel scope link src table vpn

# Logging default rules
echo "/sbin/ip rule -----------" | logger
/sbin/ip rule  | logger

# Logging default route table
echo "/sbin/ip route show -----------" | logger
/sbin/ip route show  | logger

# Logging vpn route table
echo "/sbin/ip route show table vpn ----------" | logger
/sbin/ip route show table vpn | logger

Thanks to logger, we can check what happened during execution of when OpenVPN connected to the server:

$ logread | tail -n 30


⚫ Updating NordVPN configuration

I made this shell script to easily update the configuration using recommended server by NordVPN :

# chmod +x /etc/openvpn/

# log et information visuel que le script est en cours d'exectution
logger "/etc/openvpn/ going to get a new NordVPN configuration..."
echo "heartbeat" >  /sys/class/leds/green:power/trigger


# l'accès au serveur recommandé par NordVPN est bloqué, donc il faut passer par une autre sortie internet
echo "Starting wg0 interface to get configuration..."
ifup raspberry
echo -n "Waiting for wg0 interface..."
while [ $(ifconfig | grep -c raspberry) == 0 ]
    echo -n "."
    sleep 1
sleep 1

echo "Going to update OpenVPN configuration..."

# récuperation du serveur recommandé par NordVPN
# voir
RecommendedServer=$(curl --silent --interface raspberry '\{%22country_id%22:74\}' | jq --raw-output '.[0].hostname' | awk -F. '{print $1}')
echo "Recommended server by NordVPN:"
echo $RecommendedServer

# récupération de la configuration
echo "Trying to get server configuration$ ..."
DownloadingServerConfFile=$(curl --silent --interface raspberry --write-out "%{http_code}" -o $OpenVpnConfFile$
if [ $DownloadingServerConfFile -eq 200 ]
    echo "OK $DownloadingServerConfFile"
    echo "Conf retrieved. Shutting down wg0 interface..."
    ifdown raspberry
    echo "NOK $DownloadingServerConfFile"
    echo "Conf NOT retrieved. Shutting down wg0 interface..."
    ifdown raspberry
    # fin de l'information visuelle
    echo "timer" >  /sys/class/leds/green:power/trigger
    sleep 5
    echo "none" >  /sys/class/leds/green:power/trigger

# modification de la configuration pour ajouter password + route no-exec + route-up
echo "Trying to modify $OpenVpnConfFile configuration file..."
echo "$OpenVpnConfFile before modification:"
echo "----------"
echo "[...]"
sed -n '/auth-user-pass/{p;n;p}' $OpenVpnConfFile
echo "[...]"
echo "----------"
echo "Trying to modify $OpenVpnConfFile configuration file..."
sed -i 's@auth-user-pass@auth-user-pass /etc/openvpn/nordvpn.auth\nauth-nocache\nroute-noexec\nroute-up /etc/openvpn/' $OpenVpnConfFile
echo "$OpenVpnConfFile after modification:"
echo "----------"
echo "[...]"
sed -n '/auth-user-pass/{p;n;p;n;p;n;p;n;p}' $OpenVpnConfFile
echo "[...]"
echo "----------"

# redemarrage de openvpn
echo "Trying to restart OpenVPN..."
/etc/init.d/openvpn restart
sleep 1
echo -n "Waiting for tun0 interface..."
while [ $(ifconfig | grep -c tun0) == 0 ]
    echo -n "."
    sleep 1
t=$(ping -c 10 -I tun0 | grep -o -E '[0-9]+ packets r' | grep -o -E '[0-9]+')
if [ $t != 0 ]; then
    echo "OK. Done."
    echo -n "Public IP: "
    curl --interface wlan0
    echo -n "VPN IP:    "
    curl --interface tun0
    echo "Something went wrong."
    echo "timer" >  /sys/class/leds/green:power/trigger
    sleep 5
echo "Last log:"
echo "----------"
logread | tail -n 30
echo "----------"

# fin de l'information visuelle
echo "none" >  /sys/class/leds/green:power/trigger


⚫ Launch above script using router button

The first step is to find out the internal name of the button we want to use.

opkg update
opkg install kmod-button-hotplug

mkdir -p /etc/hotplug.d/button

cat << "EOF" > /etc/hotplug.d/button/buttons
logger "the button was ${BUTTON} and the action was ${ACTION}"

Now press the button you want to use, then run logread:

Wed Jul 31 17:51:33 2024 user.notice root: the button was BTN_8 and the action was released
Wed Jul 31 17:51:37 2024 user.notice root: the button was BTN_8 and the action was pressed
Wed Jul 31 17:51:40 2024 user.notice root: the button was BTN_8 and the action was released
Wed Jul 31 17:51:44 2024 user.notice root: the button was BTN_8 and the action was pressed

Next we will setup the action associated to the button using Atheros' 00-button + UCI:

# cat << "EOF" > /etc/hotplug.d/button/00-button
> source /lib/
> do_button () {
>     local button
>     local action
>     local handler
>     local min
>     local max
>     config_get button "${1}" button
>     config_get action "${1}" action
>     config_get handler "${1}" handler
>     config_get min "${1}" min
>     config_get max "${1}" max
>     [ "${ACTION}" = "${action}" -a "${BUTTON}" = "${button}" -a -n "${handler}" ] && {
>         [ -z "${min}" -o -z "${max}" ] && eval ${handler}
>         [ -n "${min}" -a -n "${max}" ] && {
>             [ "${min}" -le "${SEEN}" -a "${max}" -ge "${SEEN}" ] && eval ${handler}
>         }
>     }
> }
> config_load system
> config_foreach do_button button
# uci add system button
# uci set system.@button[-1].button="BTN_8"
# uci set system.@button[-1].action="released"
# uci set system.@button[-1].handler="/etc/openvpn/"
# uci commit system

Now putting the button in the released position will launch the script associated to it.

Source for button detection, source for LED signalisation.


Boot Raspberry Pi Model 3B V1.2 on SSD

Written by pmd - - no comments

I have a Raspberry Pi Model 3B V1.2. You can know your model by typing in prompt :

$ pinout
| oooooooooooooooooooo J8     +====
| 1ooooooooooooooooooo        | USB
|                             +====
|      Pi Model 3B  V1.2         |
|      +----+                 +====
| |D|  |SoC |                 | USB
| |S|  |    |                 +====
| |I|  +----+                    |
|                   |C|     +======
|                   |S|     |   Net
| pwr        |HDMI| |I||A|  +======
`-| |--------|    |----|V|-------'

In January 2022, the microSD card got corrupted, and Pi was not reliable anymore, after about 3 years of operation.
I bought a new microSD card but as I didn't backup, I had to reinstall all over again. Not a nice feeling.

As of 23/03/2022 I am preparing to configure the Pi to boot on an SSD.

I bought two things so far:

As of 28/12/2022 I red a lot, and nothing worked, until I found something that work pretty nicely.

What I have finally setup

  1. Raspberry Pi is operationnal. Currently running based on the SD Card (FYI 32GB) inserted in the SD Card slot of the Pi.
  2. Using SD Card Copier already available in Raspian, I made a clone from the SD Card to the SSD:

  3. On your SSD, you should then have 2 partitions, one for boot and one for the OS.
    I formatted another SD Card (FYI 2GB) and I formatted it in FAT32.
    Then, I have made a copy of all the files that were in the boot partition of the SSD to this other 2GB SD Card.
  4. I properly switched off the Raspberry Pi.
    I removed the SD Card 32GB from the SD slot that was previously running the system.
    I inserted the SD Card 2GB which contains all the files from the boot partition of the SSD.
    I connected another USB device: a Toshiba HDD 2 TB.
    Everything is powered with the Raspberry Pi 3 Power Supply - 2.5A (Micro USB) by CanaKit. No any USB hub to power the SSD or HDD.

I am a bit concerned about the power. So I will monitor this in the coming days using two commands:

$ vcgencmd get_throttled
$ dmesg | grep -iC 3 "under-voltage"

See here for get_throttled signification.

Travaux maison

Written by pmd - - no comments

Plomberie - la base


Pour le tuyau de cuivre plusieurs diamètres (extérieurs): 12 - 14 - 16 - 18 - etc...

Il y a pour une maison 3 tailles de pour les raccords:

  ⌀ intérieur - extérieur (mm)
petit 3/8 12 - 17
moyenne 1/2 15 - 21
grand 3/4 20 -27

7min10sec : souvent du compteur jusqu'à la maison les plombiers mettent du PE en 25

Le PE rentre dans un raccord PE 25 en entrée, puis une vanne, et en sortie un écrou 3/4.
8min35sec : Il met un mamelon male-male puis un raccord 2-pièces à écrou prisonnier 3/4 vers tuyau de cuivre 18.

9min51sec : plusieurs solutions:

  1. tuyau, des T, des coudes et on va vers les éléments
  2. une nourrisse souvent avec filletages en entrée 3/4 et sorties 1/2 (

17min15sec : toujours mettre des vannes male-femelle pour pouvoir faire une intervention dans le future.

Eléments ⌀ tube (mm) Raccord
WC 12 3/8 femelle
Bagnoire 14 - 16 (confort) 3/8 femelle
Lavabo 14 3/8 femelle
Evier 14 3/8 femelle
Douche 14 - 16 (confort) souche coudée 1/2 puis raccord exentré pour ajuster le robinet

25min25sec: au bout du tuyau pour la baignoire on veut un raccord male car les tuyaux flexibles ont un raccord femelle. Il installe une souche (d'un côté on soude, de l'autre il y a un filletage en 3/8).

Plusieurs type de tuyaux:

  1. Cuivre
  2. PER - il kiff pas
  3. Multicouche

▶️ DJ. PLOMBERIE - soudure à l'étain SUPER SIMPLE

La base de la base avec chalumeau + etain


Pour la culture

▶️ DJ. PLOMBERIE - Raccordement d'un radiateur en fonte TOUT EN CUIVRE

05min00: cintrage tuyau cuivre (commentaire : "sans le recuire du coup il frise")
15min10: ébavureur pour éviter les pertes de charge de l'eau qui passe dans les tuyaux.
16min40: machine à sertir cuivre-cuivre !
17min23: étanchéité à la filasse (avec grifure du pas de vis pour que la fillasse ne tourne pas) + pâte à joint


▶️ Loic Le Jardineur - Chauffage solaire et poêle bouilleur la combinaison gagnante

Isolation - Chauffage

▶️ Comme un pingouin dans le désert - Comment choisir LE MEILLEUR chauffage électrique ?

▶️ Comme un pingouin dans le désert - Quel est LE MEILLEUR ISOLANT pour faire un maximum d'économies ?

Plancher bois

▶️ Comme un pingouin dans le désert - Comment rénover un plancher d'étage mal dimensionné ? - LMKF #3

Réparation radiateur

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